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Oktoberfest 2000

Day 1

Day 1 (Saturday, 16.09.2000)

30 photos of Opening Day at Oktoberfest with Mel, Kylie, Bryley, Heike, Snoopy,
Michi, Peter, Stefan and Andreas

2 photos of Murphy's Irish Pub (Sunday, 17.09.2000) with Mel, Kylie, Nifty and Snoopy

Day 2

Day 2 (Monday, 18.09.2000)

8 photos of Oktoberfest with Mel, Kylie, Bryley, Uschi, Nifty, Snoopy, Michi and Stefan

Day 3

Day 3 (Friday, 22.09.2000)

21 photos of Oktoberfest with Mel, Bindi, Karen, Peter, Rod, Cam and Brad

Day 4

Day 4 (Saturday, 23.09.2000)

19 photos of Oktoberfest & Murphy's Irish Pub with Mel, Bindi, Tracey, Michi and Snoopy

Day 5

Day 5 (Wednesday, 27.09.2000)

4 photos of Oktoberfest with Mel, Cade, Andy, Stefan, Andy and Andreas

Private Area 1

Private Area 1 (Not for public access - password required!)

Private Area 2

Private Area 2 (Not for public access - password required!)